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overtime wage中文是什么意思

用"overtime wage"造句"overtime wage"怎么读"overtime wage" in a sentence


  • 加班工资


  • Employees should receive additional compensation for overtime even if the particular country does not have overtime wage laws
  • Such premium portion of overtime wages shall not include any overhead , profit or markups of the development manager or the subcontractor ( s ) , or any other costs , expenses , general conditions costs or fees
  • Wage payment records shall include the name of the employer , the name of the laborer , payment time , payment items and amount , overtime wages , wages payable , items payable and amount , wages paid etc
  • In such event , if overtime is directed in writing by the owner , the owner will pay any applicable premium portion of overtime wages paid to such forces plus applicable taxes and other applicable payroll costs in connection therewith
用"overtime wage"造句  


  • overtime wage 意味
  • overtime wageとは意味残業手当{ざんぎょう てあて}、超過勤務手当{ちょうか きんむ てあて}、時間外手当{じかんがい てあて}、時間外賃金{じかんがい ちんぎん}、割増賃金{わりまし ちんぎん} Overtime payment [premium, allowance, pay, wage] require the written approval of a Director. 《就業規則》時間外勤務手当の支給には、...
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